About Nicholas Hobar
President and Chief Learning Officer of

Nicholas Hobar is President and Chief Learning Officer of LearningFront™ — a company committed to achieve the vision of combining people, teaching, and technology to demonstrate new and better ways of learning in the 21st century.
Education, Experiences, and Results

Nicholas Hobar earned his Bachelor of Science in Education Degree at California State College. He taught in the public schools before earning his Master and Doctor of Education Degrees at The Pennsylvania State University. He taught in higher education and directed West Virginia Department of Education statewide systems for improving curriculum, instruction, teacher education and certification, professional development, and student learning. In the early 1980s, he helped to pioneer for West Virginia public schools the design, installation, and operation of the first statewide microcomputer network in the United States.

From 1985 to 1992 he was the Assistant State Superintendent of Instruction, Maryland State Department of Education. In Maryland, he implemented early, middle, high school, and adult instructional programs; a state plan for ending adult illiteracy; computer-based learning and training delivery systems; workplace basics programs; school improvement models; total quality management strategies; and large scale assessment programs. He also supported programs for special populations, such as prekindergarten children, gifted and talented students, and non/limited English speaking students. These efforts contributed to increases by Maryland students on basic skills tests, high stakes writing assessments, and completions of high school competency requirements. In 1992 he assumed the role of president of Workforce 2000, Inc. -- currently doing business as LearningFront™. Since 1993 he has assisted Baltimore City Public Schools to develop school and instructional improvement strategies that contributed to student learning increases on classroom tests and state, high-stakes performance assessments.

Nicholas Hobar has developed articles, monographs, training materials, and software concerning quality-driven education and school improvement, education and technology, and Internet solutions. He co-authored The Total Quality Educator, a publication for helping educators to consider total quality as a strategy for accomplishing school improvement goals. He initiated a course at the Johns Hopkins University for integrating total quality in school reform and a course at Loyola College for standards-based instruction and assessment. He delivered a national training institute on applying total quality in education for the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). Recently, he authored online professional development LearningLayouts™ for eLearningTeacher.com™ related to alternative assessment; standards-based instruction and assessment; and combining people, teaching, and technology.

The Governor of Maryland recognized Nicholas Hobar for his leadership, dedicated service, and innovation related to instruction, technology, and early childhood development programs. He was appointed by the U.S. Department of Education to the Advisory Panel for the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). He is an active member of the Inner Circle of Baltimore, Peer Groups Exclusively for Business Owners.
Scope of Work

Nicholas Hobar works directly with schools and school districts, corporations, agencies, and colleges and universities to improve student achievement through quality teaching. He assisted the Florida, Maine, New Hampshire, Ohio, Texas, and Washington State Departments of Education and the Georgia Professional Standards Commission with their education reform initiatives; helped college faculties to apply performance-based and multimedia approaches to teacher preparation and portfolio assessment; assisted Teach For America to re-define its summer institute in a performance-based format; assisted local schools and districts in Florida, Maryland, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Texas to implement quality-driven school improvement strategies, standards-based instruction, alternative assessments, technology plans, and TaskBuilder™ software and web sites; and developed performance-based standards for teacher education and certification that were adopted by the 50 states membership of the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC). Recently, he assisted the National Center for Alternative Certification to develop, launch, and support a searchable data base for Teach-Now.org and the American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence to deliver an online program for classroom assessment. Currently, he and LearningFront consultants are assisting urban high schools to use data-driven instruction and assessment to meet No Child Left Behind academic and performance standards.
Current Focus

Nicholas Hobar is leading LearningFront™ to offer products and services that combine people, teaching, and technology to create new and better ways of learning. He is striving to expand this focus to more schools and to homes, community agencies, colleges, businesses, and governmental agencies in support of their visions of learning.

To contact Nicholas Hobar:

Telephone: 410.666.5701

Fax: 410.666.1556

Email: nickhobar@learningfront.com

Web Site: www.learningfront.com

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